Quality Management System

We deliver high-quality services and products to satisfy our customer's needs.

FlyingBasket provides quality management system with the following scope: 

"Design, production and maintenance of load transportation drones. together with flight trainings and services for third parties".

The scope of application for the quality management system according to ISO 9001:2015 applies to the entire company with legal domicile at via Enrico Fermi 27/29, 39100 Bolzano. The system was put into effect by the management on 01.03.2021. 

The company aims to achieve the above scope by implementing a management system.  

All team members are responsible for the quality of their work. The company provides training and has established systems to assist all the team members to achieve the standards required. 

Only by providing an outstanding service and product quality will we achieve our aims of long-term success and sustained improvements.

The policy, organization and procedures necessary to achieve the required standards are described in our Quality Management System.

The Quality Manager is responsible for monitoring the quality system and reports regularly to the Managing Director on the system's implementation, status and effectiveness.

The objectives of the company are set out in the Business Plan. Objectives for individual jobs are to carry out he works to the satisfaction of the client and in accordance with the contract as agreed with the client.

Quality Management Commitment 

An effective quality management is vital to the success of our Company. Quality must be embedded in everything we do internally and externally with our customers and other stakeholders.

The management motivates all the team members to always keep an eye on the FlyingBasket objectives, encourage them to understand properly their responsibilities and their respective tasks to implement and manage a proper QMS.  

The management is responsible for the management system. This formulates the company policy (objectives), defines the duties, rights and control mechanisms (measures and tools). Through this, the management is also responsible for the effective implementation of the management system in the company. The operative tasks of the quality management are fulfilled by the quality manager.

The quality management system covers all phases from contract design to product support and includes every employee. The requirements of the quality management system described in the quality management manual are binding for all areas and for all employees of the company. 

Quality policy and quality objectives are established for the QMS are compatible with the contest and strategic direction of the organisation's business process.

This is supported by the following company values:

Safety - We grant high safety standards and make sure that our staff and our customers stay safe, which includes:

  • We allocate the right resources and give our staff the tools they need to keep us safe; and

  • We measure how safe we are with safety performance indicators (SPIs).

Respect - We treat others how we would want to be treated by showing empathy and respect. 

  • We accept that mistakes happen and always maintain a just culture; and

  • We recognize the need for all personnel to cooperate with compliance monitoring and safety investigations.

Openness -  We value openness and transparency while being open-minded to new ideas and opinions, improving team collaboration, communication and mutual understanding for a safe flight.

  • By showcasing the results of investigations on the SMS we promote awareness and safe thinking through lessons learned.

Focus - We believe that having a clear goal and focusing on one task at a time is at the base of a productive and well-functioning workplace.

  • We can be trained according to different roles, but we stay focused on one task at a time to ensure the quality is maintained.

Commitment - we fully commit to what we want to achieve, our values, our missions, our goals and our vision from the start to the end.

  • We are all empowered to seek out, stop and eliminate unsafe situations.

Courage -  We are brave and stand up for our believes and are ready to work on tough problems.

  • We are not scared to leave our comfort zone and learn from it.

  • By speaking out, reporting and spreading awareness we help the team and industry grow.

The Accountable Manager and Quality Manager will convey this expectation by sharing and promoting quality to all employees through communication, education and training and any other means to ensure all team are aware of the company's QMS, their duties and responsibilities, and our quality policy.

This quality policy will be periodically reviewed by the Accountable Manager and Quality Manager in order to ensure that its relevance remains up-to-date and intrinsic to the company.